Saturday, April 6, 2013

Find a Local Dentist

"Do I need to wear braces?" Both my kids asked me this question before they brush their teeth. They still have their baby milk teeth but they are already concerned with how their teeth look. I just told them to brush their teeth properly and regularly since we still don't know if they need to wear braces. We haven't checked with the dentist yet. If there's an overlapping and misaligned teeth needs to be fixed, they would be wearing orthodontic braces in year’s time.

During the kid's early age, it is important that they visit a pediatric dentist so their oral health would be taken care of. It is good to remind them to brush their teeth properly after meals. If they already know how to spit, teach them how to use the mouthwash. There are several dental clinics that you can visit to get a regular check-up. You can also ask for referrals from family members and friends if they know of a good family dentist. If you're living around Salt Lake City there is good Salt Lake City Dentist that would take care of your oral health.

I remember the last time that we visited the dentist. My son's tooth was moving and was about to fall. Before visiting the dentist, we told him that his tooth would be extracted. But since the tooth fell off while his eating his hamburger, so the dentist just gives him an oral prophylaxis. That was also the first time when my son got his fluoride treatment. The incident removed my son's anxiety towards his pediatric dentist. Now, he's looking forward to visit the dental clinic again.

My kids usually brush their teeth together. They would usually ask me if their teeth is clean enough after brushing well. But most of the time my son is in a hurry to finish. My daughter would usually check if his brother brushes his teeth properly and remind him about the brushing time needed to have clean teeth. She would remind his brother about proper brushing and using the mouthwash. They also get to buy their toothbrushes at the same time.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.


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