Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Beauty of Being Busy

"To fill the hour -- that is happiness." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Whew! It's been a week filled with intensity! No, it's not because of the recent Japan earthquake and tsunami. (My prayer goes out to those affected by the devastation).

I am living my life in ‘tightly scheduled half-hour chunks’.

Since last week, I can only manage to sleep for just 4-5 hours a day, but I don't feel like complaining. That's good enough for me. In between working for clients and accepting another online project, there are kids and family matters to attend to. Kids need to review for the exams. I still work for clients on weekends (because I need to), yet still manage to accompany my daughter to her ballet class and spend time with my family.

Severe headache and my son getting sick was the worst. It's sad that he got sick during exam week. It's okay even if he won't get to review for the exams as long as he fully recovers from his sickness. Good thing, the school allowed my preschooler to take special exams.

I'm not caught up being busy doing worthless things.

I am enjoying my full plate.

Yet, some things had taken a back seat. There's a blog that needs post, Emails waiting to be read; Facebook messages and interview requests waiting for a reply, and then, some more. But, I'm not neglecting nor ignoring it all.

I know each of us is busy with lots of things too. However, sometimes the term busy varies from person to person. We are all at different stages in our lives with different sets of priorities, but there is one thing that we all have that is the save - We have the same amount of TIME each and every day.

I'm not busy being busy. But then, I'll be long-term busy. For the next couple of weeks, we'll be preparing and finalizing a big day, and then off for a big move (probably).

Transitions. Changes.

I feel good I didn't let time simply slip away from my finders. My time and my energy aren’t wasted. I am busy making the most of my time and this is one beauty of being alive!

This is how I live my life and I am happy living it to the fullest!

Just thinking, do you ever wish you have more time?


Anonymous said...

Oh yes! Time always seems to "fly by" it seems. Gosh! :)

- Mia

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